Impact Pattern Documentation In a 3D Real-Time Environment

DeWayne Morris of the Illinois State Police (ISP) presented a talk at a recent SWGSTAIN meeting on combining panoramic photography, data exported from HemoSpat, and a 3D model of the scene. The goal is to provide a real-time virtual 3D environment to be used as demonstrative evidence to expert testimony.

The details of the process are too long to post, but essentially you start with 3D data exported from HemoSpat using the DXF exporter:

ISP - 3D HemoSpat data

…and a spherical panoramic photo of the crime scene…

ISP - Panoramic crime scene photo

…and then combine them using the 3ds Max modelling software:

ISP - Panoramic crime scene photo with HemoSpat data

Then you can render it as a Quicktime VR movie which lets you navigate the scene as a virtual 3D environment.

I love seeing people do new and interesting things like this! Thanks to DeWayne and the ISP for permission to use the images.