Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Terminology

Note: At the 2009 IABPA meeting in Portland, OR, USA, the IABPA membership voted to adopt the SWGSTAIN recommended terminology.


Projected Blood Pattern
A bloodstain pattern that is produced by blood released under pressure as opposed to an impact, such as arterial spurting.
Bloodstain Example - Projected Blood Pattern
Bloodstain Example - Projected Blood Pattern


This pattern was generated by taking blood in a syringe and projecting it near-parallel to the target surface. This was done four times with varying pressure from approximately the same location.

This example shows the result of a stationary blood source releasing blood under pressure.

Alternate Terminology

Bevel & GardnerClosest to Spatter Family - Linear - (Arterial) Spurt
James, Kish & SuttonClosest to Spatter - Projected Mechanism - Arterial Spurt/Gush Spray
WonderClosest to Spatter - Arterial - (Breach)
SWGSTAINProjected Pattern - A bloodstain pattern resulting from the ejection of a volume of blood under pressure.